Je suis Juif………

I haven’t written my blog for quite some time, but I felt I must write something today in solidarity with the people of Paris, the E.C. and the world.






The PEN has always been mightier than the sword and this is the reason these terrorists cowards attacked CHARLIE HEBDO.     Freedom of the press is sacred and is at the foundation of our democracy.

I’ve been glued to the TV watching the events unfold over the last few days of the massacre of CHARLIE HEBDO and at the Marche Cacher in Paris (the kosher grocery store) and today of the incredible march through Paris of over 1 million people and 40 world leaders.

The Paris policemen who was shot by the terrorists was Muslim.   The employee in the kosher grocery store who is hailed as a hero in Paris (he saved many people in the grocery store by leading them into the freezer in the basement, turned off the freezer and the lights within) and told everyone to stay calm and quiet. He saved their lives.   He is Muslim.   He worked for a kosher grocery store.

It is unbelievable to think that a very small percentage of one of the world’s great religions – Islam – can fear monger and contribute to such terror and havoc in the world today. They must be stopped.     The WORLD must unite – not against Islam – but against these pseudo-Muslims who are attempting to change the way we live worldwide.   They are inspired by a few clerics who are driven by power and by many followers who are driven by insanity.

Unity is the best and most effective way of responding to these terrorists.     And today Paris is absolutely demonstrating (literally and figuratively) that they are united.     United in preserving our way of life: liberty, unity and freedom.   Whether French, American or any county that believes in democracy – we must all join together to fight this cancer within our global society.

Bravo to all the leaders who have joined in the march in Paris today. Bravo to all the people who have joined the march in Paris and Bravo to all who will stand up in the future to the few terrorists who threaten our precious way of life.